Sleepers Gourmet is a family collaboration between Christina, Mark and Lydia Sleeper.

Lydia oversaw the 2016 brand redesign from “Sleepers Magic Rub” to “Sleepers Gourmet,” which included creation of a new logo, label creation, collateral materials and web design.

Lydia now works as the Digital Marketing Lead, running the brands social media and advertisement campaigns, content calendar creation, and web integration across multiple platforms. She also has created a promotional video, built graphics and edited the 80+ episodes of Tastes from Home to be integrated on various streaming platforms.

Sleepers Gourmet is currently undergoing another rebrand.

Tastes From Home


Tastes From Home 〰️

A live cooking show birthed in 2020 during the pandemic.

Flavored with the many products of Sleepers Gourmet,
we are excited to continue sharing recipes and innovative
ways to play in the kitchen.